Peanut Butter Brands: The Big List of Brands

brands of peanut butter

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive list of peanut butter brands. While you probably realize that there are a lot of brands out there, there are likely a lot more than you might have realized. The majority of peanut butter is just ground up nuts with sometimes other minimal ingredients. However, if you have tried a lot of different brands, you know that the taste of peanut butter can vary greatly from brand-to-brand. We encourage you to try a variety of brands if you have been devoted to one product throughout your life. In many cases, there is probably something better and comparable in price to what you are used to eating.

We have supplied a nice sized list of peanut butter brands. However, if you know of a peanut butter brand that we missed, please let us know so we can add it to the list. Note that we intentionally left off store brands (Kroger, Everday 365 by Whole Foods, etc.) because most of us know that almost every major supermarket carries its own brand.

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